Saturday, October 20, 2012

Duberstairs blankie FOUND!!!

Today we were all at the church practicing for the Primary Program tomorrow.  Katelyn, Andy, Jared, and I were in the library making copies and piles.  I asked one of them for a stapler and bent down to get it on the shelf when I saw it...Duberstairs blankie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Someone had put it there for safe keeping until its owner came along.  Thank you, special someone, for seeing that it was someone's special blankie who would be looking for it!
I don't know if I've ever seen Katie squeal so much or smile so big. :)
And that's why we have rules- like blankies don't leave the house.

Monday, October 15, 2012


My parents came for grandpa's funeral and then stayed to visit for a week with us.  It's interesting the differences and changes that happen in a person's life.  The grandpa that my dad grew up with and the grandpa that I knew were almost like 2 different people.  Grandpa was younger then and had a lot of learning to do.  By the time he was my grandpa, he was different with me. 
But aren't we all that way?  My parents are different grandparents than they were parents.  Jared agrees that his parents have changed too.  I can even see a difference in my own parenting from when Coleson was a baby to Owen now.  Isn't that what we're meant to do?  Mature and grow in wisdom.  I guess it'd just be nice if when we die everyone doesn't say that we started out too bad or ended off too bad. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Last time

They're all gone now.  My grandparents.  I'm really very sad about it.  The feeling of that unconditional love that comes from really wonderful grandparents.  I'm so blessed to say that I've had 4 really wonderful grandparents. 
Yesterday was grandpa's funeral.  I stood there holding his hand and sobbing inside, but trying to stifle my tears so the children didn't see me crying too much.  I miss him.  I miss his annoying mustache that tickles my hear when he hugs me and kisses my cheek.  And I miss him hugging me. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Not grandpa

Grandma passed away on a Tuesday.  I guess it's fitting that grandpa should too.  Dad called this morning to tell me that grandpa was in the hospital.  They'd taken him there last night and didn't think he'd last through the night.  His heart was barely beating.  But somehow he did.  And dad called me first thing this morning.  I wish he'd called me in the middle of the night.  I'd have left right then.  Since dad didn't have a medical update from the doctor, I called the hospital myself (sometimes I take matter in my own hands rather than waiting for the chain- Jared calls it ram-rod-y and sometimes it gets me in trouble).  I spoke to his nurse who was glad to hear from some family.  So I was glad I'd called.  At first she said she couldn't talk to me about his care (privacy laws and all), but then I explained that I was his nearest (geographically) relative and beloved granddaughter.  I could hear her ask if it was alright with him if she talked about his medical care to me and in the back ground I could hear grandpa saying, "goodness yes," in his 'why are you asking such a silly question' grandpa voice.  She explained that he was dying, but didn't know how long he would be.  She said that it could be a few hours to a day or two.  Just that his heart was slowly winding down and grandpa had asked for no life saving measures to be taken. She also said that he was in and out of coherence. Then she let me talk to him after she explained things. He was practically whispering, but surprisingly perky.  He recognized me right away and told me how much he'd loved me.  I choked out a few "I love you's" between sobs.  I told him I'd be there as soon as I could.  But it wasn't soon enough.  By the time I'd found someone to watch all the kids and packed up the baby and picked up Jared from work (because I really didn't think I could do this trip alone) he was already gone.  We were almost to Kokomo when dad (who was at the airport on his way here trying to get here before he died) called and said he'd just passed away.  I'm not sure if I'll ever forgive myself that he died all alone today.  I should've been there.  Not a hospital room full of nice hospital staff. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Reporting a lost duberstairs blankie...

Daddy has a "no blankies leave the house" rule.  We did a lot of work for Katelyn and Andy's reception and we were out really late Friday night and had to leave early early again Saturday morning to get back to work at it.  I decided to break the rule and let Katelyn bring her blankie.  I figured it would be safe.  We'd only be at home, in the car, and at church.  At the end of the day duberstairs blankie was no where to be found.  So totally my fault.  Katelyn was crushed.  We've looked everywhere and can't find it anywhere.  Have you seen it??

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Katie's last day of gymnastics

Katie has really had fun at gymnastics.  She loves the jumping, tumbling, and climbing.  And she loves that it's just for girls.  Here she is striking a pose on the last day of gymnastics!!  Go Katie!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sweet brothers

Boys can actually stop the craziness for a few minutes to be sweet to each other.  And sometimes they even let me capture the moment just to prove to myself later that it did happen :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Katelyn & Andy's wedding reception

Congratulations to Katelyn & Andy!!  They are like the most meant-to-be-together couple we've ever known.  They drove over to Nauvoo on Friday for their wedding and we helped prepare for the reception on Saturday.  I'm in my second trimester now and have tons of energy.  Which is a good thing.  Katelyn assigned me to be wedding coordinator and there was a lot to do.  But it was a lot of fun!! And I was so happy to help such a wonderful couple.  The reception went wonderfully.  Katelyn was the flower girl and Ethan was the ring bearer.  They did a very simple civil ceremony too because Andy is a convert and so none of his family was able to go to the temple for their wedding.  My little cuties added the perfect amount of adorable to their reception.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Strawberry picking with Teresa

One reason Katies' manicure didn't last was because we went strawberry picking.  I knew if we waited until after the wedding and tried to go picking the next week, there wouldn't be anything left.  So we went.  And boy did we get strawberries.  It was so fun.  And so yummy.  We didn't get as many as we have other years, mostly because of the overly wet spring we'd had, but we did get enough for some jam and plenty to snack on while we made the jam.

We LOVE strawberries!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Big girls get their nails done

Katelyn Hasek asked my Katelyn to be her flower girl (ironically they are both Katelyn Marie's and their initials are both KMH- until this Saturday when Katelyn Hasek changes to Katelyn Kensiger).  Anyway, as part of the bridal party, Katelyn was invited to go get her nails done with all the other girls.  She felt like such a big girl!!  She had a lot of fun!  She actually did just fine sitting there in that chair for 30 minutes to go through all the steps for a manicure.  I was impressed.  Not that it actually made it a whole week to Saturday, but it was fun anyway.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Ethan's favorite place in the whole wide world

Ethan's favorite place in the whole wide world is on the mower with daddy.  Almost every day he asks if daddy's going to mow today.  Jared often does a little bit each day- otherwise it takes several hours to do it all at once.  Even if there's no mowing scheduled for that day, Ethan waits/plays on the mower.  He's even been known to eat his picnic lunch over on the mower :)  How funny.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mommy in practice

Look at those beautiful blue eyes!! Aren't they just gorgeous?! I chose those tiles on the kitchen counter because of Katelyn's pretty blue eyes (she was just a bitty baby when we were redoing the kitchen).
Anyway, I digress.  Katelyn loves to make sandwiches.  Actually she loves to make anything.  Here she is practicing her mommy skills.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day at Nauvoo

Katelyn & Andy are getting married later this month! Yay for them!! We are so thrilled for them!!!
In preparation for that, they went to Nauvoo this past weekend to get their endowments at the Nauvoo Temple.  We won't be able to go back at the end of the month again for the wedding, so we were excited to be able to go with them now for their endowments.  I was able to convince Jared to make a mini vacation out of it and we packed up our van and went over on Friday.  When we got there the weather was sublimely gorgeous.  One for the record books.  Especially for a pregnant mama who was nauseous for the past few winter-y months and feel like I'm coming back to life with this gorgeous spring weather.  We dropped our bags at our hotel and went for a picnic at the park.  I could've stayed right there forever.  It was like heaven.  We let the kids run and play until they had all their energy out from being stuck in the car for 5 hours.  Then we walked around and saw the Old Nauvoo village.  Katelyn and Andy arrived while we were seeing the village and we walked around together.  It was beautiful.  That night we went to dinner together with the Haseks when they arrived.  Oh and we went swimming because no vacation is complete without an indoor swimming pool.  My kids would be happy going to a hotel in town (not traveling anywhere at all) if there's an indoor pool to swim at.  When Greg and Stephanie got there later, we all went swimming together. That was pretty fun indeed.
Saturday was spent at the temple and with the Hasek family at a picnic.  I was so glad that we got to be there for this very special time with Katelyn and Andy. It was a wonderful experience. Then we stayed behind another day to enjoy the relaxation and Mother's Day weekend.  I woke up Sunday without a care in the world- no Primary on vacation.  It was a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.  Absolutely wonderful.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Strawberry Rhubarb Patch

I've been trying to decide what to do out front.  The nasty planter that was already there has been on my hit list for quite some time.  I just wasn't sure what to put in it's place- if anything.  I only knew that I wanted the flag and flag pole to stay.  Jared's been refusing to even think about it for as long as I've been talking about how it has to go.  Finally, I decided the boys and I could rip it in a jiffy and then the hard part would be done and he'd have motivation to jump in and do the fun part to make it into something new.  Well, it turned out Jared was right.  Shhhh, for heaven's sake, don't tell him I said that!  But it was a REALLY hard job.  And we didn't get it all done in a day as I'd hoped.  It took weeks.  We hacked and pulled and dug and hacked and pulled and dug some more.  Those "bushes" were more like their own little forest.  It had turned into a twisty turny conglomeration of a dozen or more different plant types.  What a mess!!
When it was finally all out, we had to decide what to do with the space.  Magically, one evening Jared suggested a strawberry rhubarb patch!!  I loved it! You know how when you can't decide what to do and hee haw around about something and then when the right idea comes- you just know that's what you're going to do?  So that was it!  We decided to work on it that very Saturday.  We enlisted the help of the children.

Jared: "How would you guys like unlimited strawberries to eat whenever they wanted all summer long?"
Children: (emphatically): "YEEESSSSSS!!!"
Jared: "Who like strawberry rhubarb pie?"
Children: (equally emphatically): "MEEEEE!"
Jared: "Ok who wants to help plant it?"
Children: "We do!"

We started that Saturday by going shopping for supplies together- we needed construction materials and plants.  We loaded the trailer up with the supplies and headed for home.  It was a warm Saturday, but not too hot.  I reminded the children how much hotter it would get and that it was best to get the job done when it wasn't excruciatingly hot yet.  They were troopers.  We worked and worked.  There was digging and digging and more digging to do.  The kids were in charge of filling the wheelbarrow with all the old soil (which was filled with a ridiculous number of rocks) and then together moving the wheelbarrow over to the trailer.  When the trailer was full, we took it to the back field to dump on the shooting range burm.  We were surprised how many trailer loads of rocks and sandy soil we took out.  It was like 5 or 6 trailer loads.  A lot of wheelbarrows.  Then came the faster part.  We put down the new boards and filled them in with better soil and plants.  We didn't get all the plants in that day.  I was shocked how much we did get done!  The kids were such big helpers and worked so hard.  I actually don't think Jared and I could've done it without them.  We are finally starting to see the "fruits of our labors" in teaching them the value of work.  And now they'll get to enjoy the "fruits of their labors" in eating strawberries all summer long.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pregnancy tummy shots

So I think Jared would secretly like to have twins.  Every pregnancy he talks about how *terrible* it would be to have twins.  But every ultrasound he's like, there's just "one"? Almost disappointed.  Funny huh?  But he'd never admit to it. 

4 months
5 months
Anyway, this pregnancy, I just popped out FAST.  I usually try to gain weight at the recommended rates.  But despite all my efforts, I gained a lot very fast and had a pretty big baby bump very early on.  So, Jared was quite convinced this time it was twins.  I really would've been ok with that too.  I've always thought having twins at the beginning of your family (when you don't know any better) or at the end (when you have big helpers) would be pretty fun.  So here are some pictures of my rather large baby bump. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Another boy!!!

Today was our ultrasound.  Katelyn really wanted to go with us.  She was so hoping for a sister.  When the ultrasound technician showed  us the little turtle on the screen, Jared excitedly said "another boy!!" Katie's excitement vanished.  She quickly started to tear up.  Jared to the rescue pointed out how this meant she and mommy would just have to have more girl time and go out together more often and do girly things.  The prospect of more pink shopping helped smooth things over.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

At the Bishop's Storehouse

Jared decided to set up the church canner at his shop.  It's in a permanent place and open to all the ward to stop in and use at any time.  It was previously in poor Sister Pfeil's garage taking up a lot of space.  We figured if we were going to provide the canner a home, we'd better provide the canning supplies too so that people would be more inclined to stop in and use it.  So we went down to Indy and took a tour of the Bishop's Storehouse, which was mind-bogglingly awesome.  And to think it's all there to go to people for FREE.  Whenever there's a need, they ship out whatever is needed wherever it's needed.  And there are many of these.  So we had all of our little helpers help us pack up a TON of cans and boxes in our big van.  I think we ended up with 40 some boxes in our car.  We piled it from floor to ceiling.  It was awesome!!  When we got it all brought in to the shop and piled up it looked pretty good.  We had some black beans and dry milk to do of our own so we were the first ones to use the new space. I'm so excited that Jared is taking initiative on this.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Janel had thrown out an idea while she was here at Easter of her family moving in with us for the summer.  We were totally nonchalant about it- like it'd be no big thing.  We also weren't sure if she really meant it or if it was one of those "oh wouldn't that be so fun" ideas that you never plan to do.  But a few days later, she called back to see if we were serious.  Apparently they were really worried about what to do until we had offered and that would really help fix the problem.  They had to be out of their rental at the end of May, but their new job in Greenfield (and the income to go with it wouldn't start until August)- leaving a family of 7 homeless and jobless.  So moving in here would be helpful.  I really had no qualms about it, it could even be fun.  Except that I'm a bit cranky when I'm pregnant.  I said open communication would be key so we didn't have hurt feelings.  And organization would be paramount.  I started right away on labeling everything so everyone would know where things were supposed to go.  So if you stop by my house you'll see labels in the fridge, everywhere in the kitchen, in the toy closet and linen closet- everywhere I could label.  Extra parents would be helpful.  4 parents to 11 children.  We could even get a few more date nights out than we normally do, because we'd have live-in babysitters. This is going to be a summer to remember.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Silly Silly Ethan

I found Ethan standing in the kitchen this way this morning.  Now he has all the things he needs!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Here's our cute family on Easter morning.  And our traditional Easter egg hunt and dinner with the Harrington side- which now includes Janel since she's moving to southern Indiana! Yay!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A camp'n we will go

We had a heat wave come through for Spring Break.  So we decided to go camping with the Miskins.  Usually when we go camping we pack about half our house (or so Jared claims- he gets so frustrated with me :). But the Miskins are big packers to. We packed our huge van to the brim.  Why?  I don't know.  A sleeping bag for each person.  A backpack with clothes for each person.  A camping chair for each person.  We also brought bikes for everyone and our spiffy new bike trailer.  Tent, cooking equipment, food. It just adds up- really fast.  It took us a couple hours to load up everything.  And a couple hours to make camp once we got there.  All in all, a lot of work.  But fun work.  The kids had SO much fun.  And food cooked over a camp fire is SO DELICIOUS!  We did tons of bike riding.  It was chilly at night and I fretted over Ethan being too cold.  In our major over packing, Jared had brought along a space heater- which turned out to be a blessing.  We went to a nearby state park- Prophet's Town.  They have tons of trails to ride on there.  And it was almost empty. And they have several huge playgrounds too.  Altogether the perfect place for us. We played and rode bikes and cooked our meals together.  Repeat.  Super Duper Fun. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Puppies aren't angels

So it turns out puppies aren't angels.  They are adorable and snuggly and cute...for a little while.  Then they get bigger.  And more energetic.  Lots more energetic.  And potty training this puppy turned out to be harder than potty training some of my children have been.  And for one very sick pregnant mama it just turned out to be too much.  Jared had conceded to allow us to get a dog on the premise that I would do all the work (and then teach the kids and they would help, of course too).  But potty training was all me, because I was home all day.  And I tried so hard.  But I was so sick.  And our house was starting to take the damage.  And our puppy turned out to have some terrible disease that made her release gas that could've been bottled and used as a weapon of war (it smelled that bad).  And it never failed that she'd come curl up next to me (who was laying on the couch nauseous from morning/ all day sickness) and then she'd release it. Every. Single. Time.  She had lost favor with some of the little children because she was getting so energetic and big that she'd tackle them to the ground every time they played with her.  If I hadn't been so sick, I could've taught her better not to do that.  All of these things combined against us until it was just too much.  Our wonderful friends had told us that we could bring her back if it didn't work out.  I absolutely hated myself that I had to take them up on the offer.  I believe once you've committed to something- you find a way to make it work.  But I just couldn't do it anymore.  We returned Leia to the Hasek's house.  It only took her a little while to be happy to be there- they had kept one of her sisters and she must have recognized her.  Off she went.  We return often to visit Leia.  I feel so bad that the timing just wasn't right. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Miss Molly

Molly has been so much fun and such a blessing to us for the past few years.  We were given her a few years back.  She was our first dog.  It's been so much fun.  But she was already about 12 years old (the vet's best guess) when we got her.  She had grey around her muzzle, but still plenty of life.  She's been active and loved living out here in the country with us.  We've never had her tied up on a chain or leash.  She's always lived free out here.  All of our neighbors know and love Molly.  In the morning she goes up and down the road and visits her dog friends.  No one minds that she's lose.  Even the mail lady brings Molly treats.  She's mild mannered and gentle with the kids.  Never once has she nipped at them.
Best. Dog. Ever.
We had originally hoped she would be a kind of guard dog, but quickly realized that wasn't in her personality.  She was just as soon lick someone to death than bark- much less bite anyone.  I found that out one night when Jared was out of town working on a dental office a few years ago and I had brought Molly in to sleep next to me.  Then I woke up to Molly banging her big tail against the floor.  She was excited.  Even without knowing who it was.  Jared had come home to surprise me and she couldn't have known who it was, but rather than bark to alert me, she started wagging her tail.  So, forget about being a guard dog. 
We just enjoyed her.  She's been so much fun. 
The past year Molly's health has really been declining.  The vet saw her and said she was just getting old.  We had every hope of her dying of old age.  We've tried to make her comfortable.  This past winter, I brought her inside.  She's always enjoyed sleeping inside, but not being stuck inside all day.  This winter she's stayed inside all day without even wanting to go out.  She rarely got up off her bed.  She even lost her ability to go to the bathroom.  It made me sad to see her in such sad shape. 
We finally made the decision that it was time to help her go.  It was a hard decision.  She has been a beloved member of our family.  We said good-bye to her this morning.  Jared took her to the vet and he gave her a sleeping pill first.  Jared said he held her while she closed her eyes and went to sleep.  It was so sad!  When he brought her back home, we dug a hole by a tree in the back yard and laid her inside.  Then we each said a few things we loved about Molly.  We will miss her so much.  I hope there will be a place for the really good dogs in heaven.

We love you Miss Molly. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Poor baby

Since Ethan is now a big boy, he eats in his high chair at the table without the tray.  BIG STUFF, let me just say.  Tonight at dinner, he kept leaning forward out of his chair.  I kept reminding him to sit back.  Towards the end of dinner, he tipped just a little to far forward and to the right and SMACK over went the chair and down went the Ethan.  But not before hitting his eye right on the corner of the table.  It didn't budge at all and his eye socket took the full brunt of it.  Ouch.  The kind of ouch where you don't wait to see what their response will be to gauge how big a deal you allow it to be.  The kind of ouch where you're already snuggling them before they can gather their breath to let it out in a cry.  The kind of ouch where their start to turn blue and you have to remind them to breathe.  He curled up on my lap and had a good sobbing cry...for about a minute- then he was all better.  Tough kid.
It's just a little swollen.

The culprit.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

About 2 months late

Hunter finally lost the neighbor to his bottom front tooth.  Too bad it didn't happen in time for Christmas, he was really looking forward to singing the song "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth"!

But he's so stink'n adorable I think he can sing it anyway.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Katie loves to dress up.  Lately I've been teaching her how to match items to put together an outfit.

She's trying.  
It's still a work in progress :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

New obsession

For Christmas, Coleson and Hunter got a few Calvin & Hobbes books.  It seems to have become a bit of an obsession for them lately. Not unhealthy though.  It's quite common these days to find the boys pouring over a page together or laughing about something silly Calvin's being saying.  I love that they're reading together and bonding together.  I see a lot more Calvin books in our future.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Short visit with grandpa

My dad was able to visit with us for a few days after grandma's funeral.

He took Katie pink shopping- which is her very favorite thing to do right now (I know I'm in big trouble).

And read the kids a few stories.

And be here for bedtime. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Grandma's Funeral

Dad came to visit and take care of things and get ready for the funeral.  Luckily we got to spend a few days with him too.  The kids were thrilled to see their grandpa. 
Since my dad's parents aren't members of our faith (though they were strongly devoted in their own church), the funeral wasn't LDS.  It was ok, but there is such a difference between LDS and non LDS funerals.  The eternal perspective is a major component of our beliefs. I feel so sad for grandpa.  He seems so lonely.  He clung to me today and wanted me nearby.  Even though grandma's daughters came, he isn't close with them.  And grandpa and I have always been so close.  Dad says that he's always been a sucker for me. 
It was hard to say good-bye to grandma, but mostly because I knew that grandpa would be next.  I almost can't stand thinking about it. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Grandma Amelia

You know how you never really know when something bad is going to happen?  It seems like the worst things usually happen when you're not expecting it.
I was at the tire store today getting new tires put on.  I was in the middle of loading up the kids when my dad called.  I usually try to answer when he calls since he doesn't call that often.  But today he was calling to tell me that my grandma had passed away.  She fell 2 days ago at the nursing home and hurt her head and hip.  Then last night she fell again, but her body wasn't strong even to take another fall.  She passed away shortly after.
I had been expecting a call like that sometime.  I wasn't expecting it today.  But I knew when we had visited on Christmas Eve that that would be the last time I saw her.  I had a very strong feeling of it that day.  We had a nice visit.  I remember not wanting to say good-bye.
I went over this afternoon to be with grandpa.  When I got there he looked empty.  He said, "the love of my life is gone."  And although he didn't cry in front of me, in his eyes I could see his complete sadness.  He gave me a ring that he'd bought for grandma 30 years ago.  She worn the ring every day.  I never saw her without it.  He said she'd wanted me to have it.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thing 5

So we decided it would be kind of fun to keep our little secret for a little while.  It was fun for a few days- just to be the only ones who knew.  But then we decided to let the kids in on the secret.  They were SO excited!!!!
And since we weren't doing anything with our extended families for a bit, we kept it a secret with just the kids for a bit.  It gave me enough time to order these little iron on prints and make up these cute t-shirts.  Then one Sunday night, Jared just sent his family an email with this photo attached.  No explanation.  It was hilarious as everyone started replying back :)

I was wondering how long it'd take for morning sickness to set it this time.  I didn't have to wait long to find out.  It hit HARD.   Maybe hardest of all the babies so far.  I could really only eat Ritz and Ginger Ale (and oddly brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tarts) there for a while.  Of course, I'd try to eat other things too, but that was all I could eat and not get sick.  Even watching food shows made me sick.  I was really pretty miserable for a while.  But Teresa reminded me that it's a good thing to have enough hormones growing that baby to make you sick.  So, here's to the joy of morning sickness!

Friday, January 27, 2012


You know how sometimes you wonder if a picture was posed or natural?  Well this picture was completely natural (I prefer pictures that way).  I found Hunter playing the DS this way in the living room this afternoon.  Can that really be comfortable??  He didn't know I was taking his picture until afterwards and then I told him how silly he was.  He just smiled and kept on playing. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Katelyn loves the Pinkalicious books.  So when I saw that the downtown library was having a Pinkalicious party, I knew I had to take her.  It was pretty fun.  They had several crafts, a story reading time, and some ballet dancing.  Of course it was all PINK.  Katie really had fun and the best part was that it was just me and her.  Yay for girl time!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

I is

To have another baby or not to have another baby??  I have wrestled with this question for months.  Jared has been adamantly against having another.  But I've been open with him as I've been trying to find out for myself what I thought we were supposed to do or what the Lord wanted us to do.  I've prayed and prayed and just can't find a firm YES or NO answer.  At times I've felt good about having another, even feeling like someone was still missing (like when I was recently making up lunch plates in a row like usual and accidentally added a fifth kids plate), but then at other times I've felt content with the 4 we have.  Anyway, the more I've talked about it, the more open to it Jared has become. 
So for the past few days, I've been trying to figure out how to take a test and have it go ok with Jared (since I was fairly sure it was going to come out positive).  I just kind of said, "well I guess it's time to take a test again".  (I do this whenever I'm not sure).  We were sitting on the bed and I was trying to gauge what Jared's response was going to be (him a little less aware of my certainty that it was going to be positive).  When the 3 minutes were up he said (thankfully with a smile),"well go check it, you either is or you isn't".  I went in and checked it and sure enough it said "pregnant" and I shrieked "oh Jared, I is!" 
Jared has always been excited when he's received this news and this time he was too.  I think he has his worries (mostly financial), but overall he's excited about another baby too.  And the Lord always provides for us.  So welcome baby 5!