Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thing 5

So we decided it would be kind of fun to keep our little secret for a little while.  It was fun for a few days- just to be the only ones who knew.  But then we decided to let the kids in on the secret.  They were SO excited!!!!
And since we weren't doing anything with our extended families for a bit, we kept it a secret with just the kids for a bit.  It gave me enough time to order these little iron on prints and make up these cute t-shirts.  Then one Sunday night, Jared just sent his family an email with this photo attached.  No explanation.  It was hilarious as everyone started replying back :)

I was wondering how long it'd take for morning sickness to set it this time.  I didn't have to wait long to find out.  It hit HARD.   Maybe hardest of all the babies so far.  I could really only eat Ritz and Ginger Ale (and oddly brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tarts) there for a while.  Of course, I'd try to eat other things too, but that was all I could eat and not get sick.  Even watching food shows made me sick.  I was really pretty miserable for a while.  But Teresa reminded me that it's a good thing to have enough hormones growing that baby to make you sick.  So, here's to the joy of morning sickness!

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