Saturday, March 3, 2012

Poor baby

Since Ethan is now a big boy, he eats in his high chair at the table without the tray.  BIG STUFF, let me just say.  Tonight at dinner, he kept leaning forward out of his chair.  I kept reminding him to sit back.  Towards the end of dinner, he tipped just a little to far forward and to the right and SMACK over went the chair and down went the Ethan.  But not before hitting his eye right on the corner of the table.  It didn't budge at all and his eye socket took the full brunt of it.  Ouch.  The kind of ouch where you don't wait to see what their response will be to gauge how big a deal you allow it to be.  The kind of ouch where you're already snuggling them before they can gather their breath to let it out in a cry.  The kind of ouch where their start to turn blue and you have to remind them to breathe.  He curled up on my lap and had a good sobbing cry...for about a minute- then he was all better.  Tough kid.
It's just a little swollen.

The culprit.

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