Monday, February 28, 2011


So I walked through the halls at church yesterday being congratulated by everyone I saw. I kept smiling and politely saying "thank you", but really I'm feeling like "are you sure?" I've served in the Primary for the past 7 or 8 years, as a class teacher, in the nursery, even in 2 presidencies under 2 wonderful presidents, but this is the first time I've been asked to be the president. The emotion I feel is more like shock, uncertainty, and excitement all at the same time. I'm concerned about keeping all the balls in the air, about being organized enough, and about being open enough to inspiration to know all the needs of the children and teachers. I've chosen 2 wonderful counselors and an organized secretary to help me as we serve the children and teach them of the gospel and of our Savior's love. When the bishop called me in, he told me he wanted to call me to the most important organization in the ward. Then he asked me what I thought that was? I knew immediately and whole heartedly exactly what that was. I believe with my whole heart that our children, the children that we serve, are the most important spirits in our church. The job we have to teach them and help them prepare and be strong before they must stand on their own, is the most important job any of us can have. I feel so incredibly humbled to be asked to serve these sweet, trusting, faithful spirits. I pray we can do it well.


  1. You will be GREAT, Sarah, I just know it!! (But I also know exactly how you feel... :)

  2. Wow-- that's awesome! I also know you will do a wonderful job! Best wishes for it all!

  3. You're going to be awesome! You have such a special talent when it comes to little ones. They are blessed to have you!
