Saturday, February 12, 2011

Vacation Day 13- Disney Day 6- Saturday- The Last Day

Saturday morning we woke up and finished packing.  So sad.  The close of an amazing vacation.  We packed up the van and checked out of our room and headed over to Downtown Disney.  We'd planned to spend Saturday morning there before departing so that we could buy whatever final souvenirs we'd decided on and do any last activities.  Downtown Disney is the place where you can get a little of everything.  We also had one unused meal from Wednesday night's dinner, so we got to eat at a nice little cafe- for free.
While the boys were shopping at their favorite place- The Lego Store- Katelyn and I went to a nearby Disney store to look through the princess things to let her buy another souvenir.  She had her Aurora dress on and was having a fun time looking.  There were several girls coming out of the Princess Makeover dressing rooms there (where they do the girls' hair and makeup and gowns (($$$)) can you say cha ching?).  We went outside the store to go wait for the boys out front when a nice woman asked if Katelyn wanted to be in the Princess Parade in 5 minutes?  Boy did she ever!!!  She was so excited.  Talk about being in the right place at the right time. They gave her a little sash to wear and a wand to wave and oh was she happy.  I slipped inside the store to buy her a little tiara that she'd liked, but I thought was too expensive, because now I knew I had to get it for her so she could play the princess part (especially since the other girls were head to toe done up).  I was so sad that I couldn't find my phone or my camera.  I have no pictures of the parade.  But Katelyn did have such a wonderful time.  Jared and the boys showed up just before the parade began and we walked along behind the parade as these adorable little princesses waved to the crowd as the parade proceeded (set to princess music and all).  It was really fun!!  Then they ended the parade at the carousel where the girls got to ride for free. Katelyn felt like a real princess.
After lunch (which ended up being closer to 3) we finally got everyone back in the van and ready to set off.  It was just hard to get everyone ready to leave.  Who wants to leave Disney????  Certainly not I.  Not Jared or the kids either.  So it was sad to go, but at least we have these amazing memories of a really pretty close to perfect vacation.

We felt so blessed to have such wonderful weather.  When we stopped that night in Georgia (but not in Macon this time) it was snowing pretty hard.  The temperature had dropped and there was a winter storm on its way.  We heard reports that it was the most snow and coldest weather Georgia had seen in many years.  It probably didn't get all wintery cold down at Disney, but it probably did get much colder- certainly not the sunny pleasant weather we had enjoyed all the week before.  So we felt very blessed.  Sunday was spent driving all day and we pulled in our driveway about 6 pm.  Sad to be done with vacation, but good to be home.

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