Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Books, Books, & more Books

I have a pile of books on my night stand and another pile in the living room by a chair I sometimes frequent (although not too frequently). 7 books in all. All of them started. None of them finished. I keep hoping that by keeping them out and in plain sight I'm going to get them read. But it's not really about lack of noticing they're there. It's more about lack of time. A page here a chapter there. Most of my current loot is more like self-help books anyway. That's probably why I'm not hanging on every page and can't put them down. Although they're chalk- full of great info and I am enjoying them. Hopefully I'll get them done sometime.

Meanwhile, here is Coleson's growing stack. He piled it on the table tonight. Several chapter books with bookmarks. Some almost finished and a few just started. I mentioned that it might be easier to finish one book before starting another one, but apparently my bad example is wearing off on him. He read an entire Magic Treehouse book on the bus ride home today. So maybe he'll have better luck working through his pile than I have on mine.

And here's a picture of Hunter with his books as he fell asleep tonight. He does this EVERY single night. He has for years. He loves books more than any kid I've ever known. And he can't even read them all yet. But he'll look at and study them. His favorites are of the "Busytown" series by Richard Scarry. He's got them all- almost. And he knows exactly what's on every page. And he's "read" almost anything Coleson brings home from school. I read the chapter books to him. But he just can't get enough. It's a wonderful characteristic and a saving grace really with some of the other not so pleasantries about his behavior. Books have always been his escape. I LOVE that about him. And I have to say that I love indulging him too and buying him more to add to our collection. So goodnight sweet Hunter, sleep tight among your books, I'll come in and clear them off for you so you can go through them all again tomorrow.

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