Friday, February 11, 2011

Vacation Day 12- Disney Day 5- Friday

Hollywood Studios

Friday was the day Coleson had been waiting for all week. Hollywood Studios is the home of Star Tours where all the Star Wars attractions are.  I  didn't realize that they were closed for the first week of January for maintenance.  What a bummer!!  I felt so bad for Coleson.  Fortunately they were still holding the live action show "Padawan Training" out front.

  I wish I'd known that if I'd signed up early enough the boys could've been in the show as actual padawans.  But they did get to go to the meet and greet with Darth Vader and a clone trooper.  So that was pretty cool.

After the show, we went to the mecca of Star Wars gift shops. It was there that he spent the entirety of his money from Christmas on a custom light saber.  And he and Jared took a virtual picture as Luke and Anakin.  Turned out pretty fun.

Before lunch we saw the Lights, Camera, Action show which was a stunt car show that all the kids thought was pretty dang neat. There was backwards driving (like Mater) and all kinds of awesome stunts. 
Then we booked it clear across the park to eat lunch while we watched the next showing of Beauty and the Beast at the outdoor theater.  Katie was in 7th heaven.   She had worn her Belle dress that day just for that show.
Next was the big excitement for the day.  After our lunch had settled we had a Fast Pass appointment at Rock'n Roller Coaster. We walked up with our Fast Pass card (which says to come back at a certain time and then you'll get to walk right up to board the ride) and then we got a Rider Switch card for Jared (which says that while Jared waits with our small children and I ride, then we can switch and he can ride- without waiting in line again).  We did the Fast Pass and Rider Switch cards on all the big attractions.  It was SO handy.  In the morning, Coleson and I had ridden on the Tower of Terror.  We had so much fun.  We listened to people screaming 13 stories up in the air at the top of the ride while we waited in line.  It didn't scare him.  As we boarded the ride and we're cruising in our elevator car through the old hotel, the suspense was palpable.  You could feel the elevator go out onto the drop zone and then stop.  Oh the suspense! Then it dropped us 2 stories.  I love roller coasters and was just screaming like crazy (and having fun).  Right before the last big drop, I looked over at Coleson in the seat next to me, and while I was screaming and holding onto the arms of my chair for dear life, he had his arms folded neatly in front of him not making a sound.  It was so funny!  When we got off the ride, he teased me for screaming and being such a scaredy cat and I teased him for being Stonewall Jackson.  Jared got the Rider Switch and Coleson got to go up again.  Jared said he was the same way that time too.  So by the time we got to our after lunch appointment at Rock'n Roller Coaster, he was pretty puffed up about being such a great coaster rider.  Rock'n Roller Coaster is very fast and very crazy.  When we were walking up the ramp and then came around the corner into view of the coaster rocketing off, his natural instincts kicked back in and Mr. Tough Guy wanted to high tail it and run.  I convinced him to stay.  Even as we were boarding, though, he was pretty unsure.  This was his first ride to go upside down and do loops and all.  After 90 seconds of pure terror, he decided he likes roller coasters, but draws the line just before Rock'n Roller Coaster.

The last stop before dinner was the Indiana Jones Show which was full of excitement and quite reviting.  Just ask Hunter.  

We had dinner at a 50s diner there in the park and finished eating just before the park closed for the day.  We headed back to our cozy cabin to begrudgingly start packing.

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