Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Break- Day 4

To the circus we go!
A few weeks ago, Jared got free tickets to the circus that was in town for 1 day. Since the tickets were free, we figured we'd go. The kids were much more excited than we were. But there were a few really cool tricks. Have you ever seen the 3-motorcycles-in-a-ball stunt? CRAZY!! Hunter thought they were dumb for doing it, so hopefully I don't have to worry about him on motorcycles :) All Katelyn could talk about was the elephants. When were they coming out? Where were they?! Finally they came out and did some neat tricks. So everyone left satisfied- except Coleson. Him and I were under the impression that there would be elephant ears there (I swear I'd seen it on the flier). We were considerably bummed to find out there weren't. So Jared made some a few days later during conference. Unfortunately, they just weren't as good as the normal carnival fare, but nice effort babe!

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