Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ethan is THE BEST BABY EVER!!! We love that boy so much! He has such a great attitude and the most amazing smile. Sometimes thinking about how much I love him and how fast he's growing up makes me feel a little weepy. Maybe it's because Jared keeps saying this will be our last baby. And I keep thinking this is the last time a baby will call me "mama" and I'll be the only one who can make their owies better and be the one he wants to put him to bed and say the most adorable things in the most sweet little voice. And I know I'm going to forget it. Not all of it. But I am going to forget things. And that makes me really quite VERY sad. My dad called yesterday and he sometimes reminds me just how fast the time goes. Most other moms I talk to are right up to the necks in the daily rut and grind of being a mom. We understand each others frustrations and giving an "I've been there" nod you tell how your toddler dropped jar after jar of pickles at the grocery store (each one shattering on the concrete) and another child got lost in the store and then you ended up walking out grocery-less and cursing your stupidity that you decided to go to the store with all of the children. But we don't often take time to talk to each other about how wonderful it all is (even if those thoughts don't cross our minds exactly every day). I often get lost in the daily minotiny of it all. Washing the same dishes, preparing the same meals, talking to the same little people about the same topics- if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all; be respectful of those around you; and for goodness sake- sit your pockets on your chair at the table so you don't fall and hit your head- again!!

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