Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break- Day 2

Today was the second day of spring break. Our good friends, the Madsens, emailed to see if we all wanted to go bowling in the morning with a bunch of other friends. Hunter was out of his mind excited (several of the boys are in his primary class). I got everyone ready and we were actually there on time (I was so stink'n proud of myself), only to find that the bowling ally was closed for private classes- bummer! So Maren invited everyone over to her house-bless that poor preggo woman for saving me from a minor uprising! The kids had a blast and the moms had a great time chatting. I really think play dates are just as much for moms as they are for kids :) So we left to go home for lunch and get ready for our "Hunter & Mommy Date".

Since bowling had failed that morning, and it was pretty much all Hunter could think about, we decided to go bowling for our date. I had a coupon that needed to be used at JCPenny that day, so I asked Hunter if we could take a few minutes to go over and use it (it was one of those $15 FREE gift cards so I didn't really want to not use it). He said yes and he even picked out an adorable necklace for me. We walked through the store holding hands and he was SOOOO sweet. He chose Subway for dinner, which was fine with me, and a cheap meal. (Oh by the way, they have new raspberry cheesecake cookies there that are AMAZING!!- go get one!) Anyway, he talked all through dinner and I snapped a few cute pictures as he wondered from one story to the next.

We stopped by the bookstore to look for the first 3 books in a series that the boys have recently read all the rest of (Ricky Ricotta's Might Robot- kinda funny books). They still didn't have them, so he got a Star Wars book instead. Then he read it to me while we drove over to campus to go bowling.

We had SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!!!!! I love mommy dates, because I get to spend time with my kids away from the sibling routine- vying for their spot in the pack (arguing and such). We laughed and talked and teased each other on our poor bowling skills. The tv monitor with the scores kept making silly gestures when we rolled gutter balls. We played 3 games and Hunter won 2 of them. Although, in my defense, he did have the gutter guards to help him :) In between sentences, he even gave me an unsolicited "thank you for taking me on this date, mommy, it's fun". Awhhh... I love you Hunter. That little boy's smiles, big eyes, and curly hair completely melt my heart. Throw a sincere "thank you" on the plate and I am puddy in his hands. It was so much fun spending time alone with JUST him. We finally left at like 9 pm, completely bowled out, and went to DQ for ice cream. A perfect end to a perfect date.


  1. Seriously- how fun! Brett and I just said the other day that we should do dates with our kids. It's one of those things that I always think would be so great, and then I never follow through and make it happen. So good job, Sarah! You certainly had a cute date! :)

  2. It looks like you and Hunter had a great time. Yay for mommy-son/daughter dates!
