Tuesday, August 31, 2010


After every baby I get a massive makeover. It makes sense to me. You know, drop the 30 pounds that were seriously making me feel frumpy, get my nails done, a new hair-do, maybe a massage. It does wonders. So after Ethan was born, I wanted to get my day at the spa, but just never made the time for it. Before I knew it he was 4 months old. I still hadn't had that "me" day, but it didn't really matter, I was pretty consumed in mommy-hood and didn't have time for cute anyway. Then I figured I'd just wait till summer. The longer my hair got, the more emotionally attached to it I felt, and the more I wanted to cut it. Two conflicting emotions. I decided to chop it as soon as I got it long enough to donate to Locks of Love- a great organization that collects lengths of healthy hair to make into wigs for children suffering from cancer. I wanted to be part of something great like that. Finally, I reached the required 10" length and made the appointment with excitement and trepidation. Before I knew it there I was in the chair. So here's a before, during (notice the mixed emotions on my face), and after. So in the end, I miss the pretty, long hair, but who has time for that? And it was always falling in my face. Now I do my hair in 5 minutes or less- my kind of maintenance. And the best part is that I got to help do something wonderful for someone's sick child.

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