Thursday, September 2, 2010


A few Saturdays ago we went hiking at the Potholes at Fall Creek Gorge. It was a beautiful day about 82 degrees or so (not too hot for hiking) and just right for splashing in the creek. I've had friends who have gone before and I had gone a long time ago on the way home from girls camp. But it'd been a while. It was almost completely unmarked. We drove past the creek'n entrance several times. And then we discovered the reason it wasn't well marked was because it was actually against the rules to go wading in the creek. Now, usually we are pretty good about following the rules (if not at least to be a good example), but this time we just kinda pretended we hadn't seen the sign. And on we went.
Once you get down into the creek bed, it doesn't take long to find where it starts getting interesting.

This is us at the beginning of the trail.

This is where it's starting to get fun.

Each of the 'steps' up is like a pool filled with water. You have to get through the pool to get to the next step. Some of the pools were taller than Katie and up to the boy's chests. This made it even more fun. Hunter has always been a little skittish around water, but it took him all of 3 seconds to realize that this was a challenge that wouldn't get the better of him. Note in the picture above that he is way up there ahead of me and Coleson. I think he was having so much fun that he forgot to be afraid.

After getting completely soaked, my jeans started feeling like weights on my legs. But it didn't slow the boys down.

Around our house, Saturdays are often either project days or one of us has to go somewhere. This was a super awesome way to spend a Saturday- way better than errands. One of the most lovely days we've had together in a while.

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