Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 1

Fine I give in!!! I can't take it anymore! The constant guilt about not keeping a journal- it's just too much. I mean I used to have time set aside each week to write down my personal thoughts in a beautiful floral spiral bound journal to preserve for my posterity to peruse someday in the future and say "oh that mom, she really did have grown up ideas". Ha!! Come on, with 4 kids now, who has time for that?!?! Certainly not I. That's why for the last several years, my annual journal entry begins with "I'm sorry it's been so long since I've recorded anything" (as if I'm talking to whoever might actually read it someday) and then continues on to attempt to sum up the year over the next 6 pages. Plus, handwriting takes so stinking long. Then I close the book, vowing to return to it again much sooner next time and make a concerted effort to do better. Until the guilt starts consuming me again- somewhere around a year since I last wrote anything.

And although the beautiful floral journal with handwritten entries certainly might be more personal.. this is faster. And so here I go. Today I laugh in guilt's face (and maybe give it a good swift kick for all the time it's taken nagging at me) because I will keep a record one way or another of the good the bad and the hilarious, the little moments that make up each day that fill an entire life, the people who mean the world to me, and the ideas of a real grown up that occasionally skip through my head. So hold onto your socks, here we go!!...


  1. Welcome Sarah! You can have your blog made into a book when you feel the time is right and it will become a beautiful journal and keepsake for your family. Way to go!

    By the way I'm honored to be the first to comment...

  2. Yahoo! I'm so glad to see you here! I'm so excited to hear what's new with your wonderful family, and what's going on in your head. :)
    And I hope you post that Civil War picture big - because I really want to look at it closer! It looks awesome!

  3. Yay!! Welcome to the world of blogging!! :) I am so excited that we can catch up with your family more regularly now! YAY!! :)I love the pics so far! Katie's dress is so cute!!
