Monday, August 30, 2010

On my birthday

Several things I feel grateful for today.
First, all the sweet friends I have that sent their birthday wishes today. It made me feel so special.
Second, the amazing D.Q. Resee Cup ice cream cake that Jared got for me. YUM!
Third, the little white marble that Coleson picked out of his collection just for me. And the little toy train that Hunter wrapped up in his blankie for me. But far more than their little treasures being given was that they were willing to share them with me and the sweet smiles on their faces as they gave to me the best they had to offer with all their love. What better gift could I get??
Fourth, Jared is going to tile the front porch for my gift- so I should have improvement pics to post soon. It's gonna look great.
Fifth, I just opened a totally sweet card from my sweet friend Kayli. Made me smile :0)
Sixth, the Happy Birthday song I got from my parents first thing this morning.
I have a lot to be thankful for today.

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