Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New glasses

So I've been having these terrible and really relentless headaches. Finally, Jared was like, "would you just go get your eyes checked woman!!" I wouldn't usually stand for the derogatory "woman" remark, but I knew I was wrong. I just hate spending money on things like that. I wasn't convinced they would find anything and then the whole thing would be a big waste of money. But, desperate for relief of the headaches, I went to the eye doctor. "You've needed glasses for a while" he says. Oh. My bad. So my new glasses arrived today. I was AMAZED just how crisp and clean everything was when I put them on. I really had no idea my eyes were that blurry. The doctor even joked with me when he was doing the machine thingy where he says "this one or this one" then moves the lenses and asks the same question. I don't know what that's called. But at the end, he flipped it to a set of lenses and I was like "Oh not that one, it's so blurry!" And he said "Uhh...that's your regular eyes". "Oh!!"

What do you think? I think I look a like a more sophisticated version of myself. But they are a little pesky. I keep wanting to take them off or slide them up on the top of my head like I do my sunglasses. And oh my sunglasses!! What will I do with them??? My sunglasses are like my best friend. I pretty much wear them all day long, all summer long. Slide them up when not in use, back down when needed. I HATE squinting. Where do my glasses go now?
Anyway, these will take some getting used to.


  1. Yes, glasses are annoying, but being able to see is SOOOO wonderful!

    You look bea-uuuutiful in them!
