Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July

Monday was the 4th of July. Honestly, we were just too tired from the ward party this weekend to even think about doing a big to-do. Kevin and Charlotte invited us to come there and watch fireworks with them. We considered doing that, but then decided we were too tired to travel. I find that I have to really guard against getting too run-down, lately. Sometimes, with all these big activities or projects for primary, we all put a LOT of effort and energy into it- and then crash. I usually need a few days to recoup or I end up getting sick. So, we just decided to have 2 of my counselors and their families over for an impromptu and laid back cookout. What a concept to get together and not be planning, prepping, or working. Don't get me wrong, I completely love what we're going (we are Team DYN-O-MITE!!), but it was really nice to spend time relaxing together. And the kids had a blast too. Katelyn and Lana got especially silly together. Nicole's husband, Andy, and Jared lit the fireworks. He's always giddy like a kid in a candy store when we pull out explosives. Then we sat down and chit chatted altogether some more until it was like 11:30! But the kids were awesome and slept in the next day until almost 10!!!! Yay!!
Katie and Lana found the perfect little spot on this stoop by the pump house to watch the fireworks. And then came the silliness. That had a really great time playing all night.
I had to snap this picture of Hunter. It pretty much sums up all in one photo how Hunter prefers to dress every day of the year. Shorts (red), t-shirt (red), big honk'n winter boots, and a weapon of some sort (preferably a stick, usually tucked into the side of his pants). Summer or winter- this is his favorite get-up. Classic Hunter.

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