Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Break- Day 6

Today was General Conference. I love conference. We have been looking forward to it and talking about it for weeks. I asked the kids what they were most excited about and they said "FOOD!" It's true, I do tend to go a bit overboard on conference weekend. But if it makes it all the more fun, then why not, right? To us it's a comfy hanging around the house, good food, good friends, GREAT message weekend. We are truly so blessed to be able to hear the words of our prophet two times a year. Conference weekend is such a boost. I love it!
I made Cinnamon Bun popcorn, which everyone loved. Ethan was the first to get a taste. I had pulled it out of the oven, then gone to get dressed. He must have spied me take it out, because I few minutes later, Jared came in the kitchen to find this! He had pulled out the bottom drawer, climbed inside to give himself a boost up, and was shoving handfuls of popcorn in his mouth! (This is beginning to become a habit :)

Oh and I snapped a few pictures of the spice tower the kids had a great time making that morning while I cooked. They were so excited when they got it to be as tall as Hunter before knocking it over to squeals of laughter. Ethan was laughing so hard.

Here is a picture of the whole conference group together. We always do conference with our amazing friends, the Haseks (which of course includes Andy, but minus Greg while he's on his mission).

And lastly, Coleson and I had our mommy/ son date tonight. We went roller-skating. I'm starting to think I was supposed to already have taken him skating before now. I mean I guess I went skating the first time when I was like 5. And we were avid roller skaters. Coleson doesn't really like not being able to do something well right away. So you can guess how this went. He was really REALLY excited to go. But when he got those skates on and got in the rink and realized it wasn't that easy, his excitement greatly diminished. I had to bribe him to keep skating. He kinda more "walked" around the rink. But I give him snaps for keeping at it. We'll have to go again soon. He did LOVE the laser tag that I kept hanging like a carrot in front of him. Too bad that is such a rip off. 3 minutes for $5/ per person. But it was FUN!! And he left very happy. And that's what counts. It was a nice date, just the 2 of us.

This is Coleson "thumbs up" like "I've totally got this, mom!"

This is him a little less sure after his first steps :) LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Our families are a lot alike because I also tend to go a little overboard with food and goodies over conference weekend. Plus, I also made some fancy popcorn (cherry lime-aid, yum), and Cole somehow managed to reach it on top of the counter and get the first taste. We're not sure how, but the mess left behind and the mustache on his mouth gave us all the evidence we needed for who was to blame...
