Sunday, April 24, 2011


For Easter this year, I didn't have time to make Katelyn a new dress. So I just went and bought one (I know, I know I feel quite guilty about it). But I did make the boys all matching ties to coordinate with her. Jared being the AWESOME hubby that he is even surprised me and threw his on at the last minute (he'd been saying that I could make it but he wasn't really sure if he'd wear it- some childhood trauma about homemade clothing or something). They turned out cute! Yay!
Here's the tie tutorial I used. It was way super easy. And way cheaper than buying 4 new ties.

Oh and I made Katie's hair bow too. Coleson was stricken with much attitude that morning and was not excited about pictures. Poor Ethan woke up with a cold that morning, but had to go to church anyway because I needed Jared for our primary lesson- which also turned out really cute. (I think all the primary children must have had their Easter candy before church, because they were crazy.)


  1. Childhood trauma about homemade clothes... haha! Doesn't he know by now that you'd never steer him wrong on clothes? Anyway, you guys looked GREAT!! It's amazing how Katie is a little girl and I only remember her as a baby!! And who's that kid in your arms??? How did he get so big?
