Monday, April 11, 2011

I have a dream....

Did you know that the you can serve a humanitarian aid mission for the church???? I didn't. Jared and I have always wanted to serve a mission when our children are grown. Tonight I was reading an article on about service by Jeffrey R. Holland. He was speaking about the blessing that the church welfare had been able to provide for the people of South Africa in their neonatal resuscitation training. Then he mentioned that there are humanitarian service missions all around the world doing a huge variety of services for the needy. Why didn't I know this?? Right there I have the PERFECT combination. You see I have always wanted to submerse myself in service. I always tell myself that I am serving the Lord when I follow promptings when they come to do what I can for others, and that I, of course, serve my family every day. But I just really want to be up to my elbows in someone else's needs and, at the same time, to help them feel the love of our Heavenly Father through my work. I guess I always thought you just need to be in the right place at the right time (or the wrong time, depending on the disaster). But when disaster strikes and others are fleeing, I have a STRONG desire to go help. So I told Jared to just plan on it, we'll be applying for a service mission. Good thing he agreed. I am SO excited!!!! I just didn't know you could apply specifically to go do this. It will be a fulfillment of a dream...


  1. I want to do that too! :) Wouldn't it be cool to be serving missions at the same time?
