Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last gift of Christmas

Remember how I'd said that we asked the Haseks to save a special little puppy for us till Christmas? At the end of gift opening, daddy brought in that last present. A puppy! Oh, was Katie excited.The little puppy she'd loved, was now all her own.  She was in heaven.

I think Jared likes the new puppy much more than he's willing to let on.  What do you think? We let the kids name our new family member during breakfast Christmas day.  Coleson is in a major Star Wars phase and he suggested Leia (as in Princess Leia).  All the kids unanimously agreed. I'm hoping that our wonderful Molly dog will help train our new puppy to be a wonderful dog like she is before she passes on.  This is going to be so fun!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Big boy haircut

Ethan got a real big boy haircut today.  He did a better job than Hunter does.  He sat still and didn't even cry.  I was so proud.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Craft time

I made this cute little ribbon Christmas tree today.  It was so fun and so easy.  Katie enjoyed helping me too. I think I'll make a few more.  The blue and silver matched the decor upstairs.  I could make some green and red ones for downstairs.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The Haseks' dogs had puppies a few weeks ago.  We were over visiting on Sunday and Katie fell in love with them.  They are so cute and adorable.  She especially bonded with this little black puppy.  The puppy let Katie carry her around all night in every different position and love all over her and the puppy never got tired of it.  Katie carried her around like a baby and still the puppy stayed with her.  She talked about it non stop for the next week.  In the meantime, I made a call to Sonia (who was trying to find homes for all the puppies) and asked her to keep that puppy set aside for us until Christmas.  ;)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Putting up the tree

We had a blast putting up the Christmas tree today.  The boys were so helpful.  Jared let the boys organize, sort, and put together the limbs of the Christmas tree.  It was neat to see them work together.  We snapped this picture of all the kids standing on the piano bench as they were trying to reach the top of the tree.
I love Christmas tree decorating.  I love pulling out all of our beautiful ornaments.  They have such sentimental value to me.  We buy or make an ornament every year for each child.  So there are memories attached to each one.  I dispense them to the children in order of fragility.  Coleson hangs the fragile ones on the top of the tree where they'll be safe and Katie and Ethan hang the fabric and wooden ornaments that don't break at the bottom of the tree.
Everyone working together to make a beautiful tree.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Family pictures 2011


Usually I spend days planning for our family pictures- from coordinating clothes and hairstyles to poses and location of the shoot. I put a lot of thought into it. But this year, not much of that. I texted Katelyn to see if she'd meet us at the park after work one day and just got everyone dressed in something nice and we went and did it. There's a park down the block from Jared's shop and the only idea I'd had was that it'd be fun to get a shot of us all coming down the curly slide in order from Ethan to Jared (which turned out cute but now I can't find on my computer). That's it. Our clothes didn't match (I'd already decided to just make it sepia and forget the color issue altogether) and Jared was even wearing a work shirt with a big ol' GLOCK insignia on it. But there was no whining or crying from anyone (especially Jared :) because they were trying to deal with mom's preconceived notions about how the event would go. I didn't spend days planning what each person would wear only to have someone spill down the only shirt that matches and then having to try and hide the spill behind someone else (not that that's happened before). It was just a lot less stressful. And dang cheap. I almost always end up heading out to the store for one shirt or sweater to complete everyone's ensembles. But not this year. And Katelyn did it for free and printing at Meijer cost me $24- for 8x10s and wallets and all of it! Nice.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wedding dress

Andy finally proposed to Katelyn last month.  Today we went with Katelyn to make a final decision on her dress (she's been eyeing this one for months so it wasn't too hard).  At the end, she let Katie slip it on.  Oh was that a happy girl!!!

Katie spent the next couple weeks pretending to be a bride.  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had Thanksgiving with Kevin and Charlotte and Janel and Jordan at their new house this year.  Jared's parents flew in for a few days too (they moved to Arizona this past May and so it was nice to see them again).  The cousins played nicely for hours as usual and we chatted at the kitchen table until we went for round 2.  It was a nice day.  As usual the boys honed in on the strawberry rhubarb pie I'd made.   Snapped a picture of Schuyler and Emma eating their pie too.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Where's Ethan?

I went in Katie's room today looking for Ethan and found him like this.  On her baby doll's changing table with a blanket and a book. I ran for my camera.  I love impromptu pictures.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Visitor for the day

I'm visiting blogger land today. Oh how I've missed seeing everyone's hysterical takes on the their lives. I've been sitting here for a whole hour looking over everyone's posts for the past month or so. I've been out of the blogger loop since starting school. I just haven't had ANY time for it in between lessons and lessons and lessons and then normal mom stuff. But yesterday Hunter was complaining about how he didn't feel too great (I thought it was just a ploy to to get to his iPad time sooner after church) but then mid-sentence he started vomiting. So I guess he didn't really feel too good, after-all. Then he did it again later. And after you clean up a certain amount of vomit, your own stomach starts to toss and turn too- not sure if you're going to be next. So we just took it easy today. We're taking our first day off so far this school year. MUCH needed. I haven't done anything too productive (which I know I'll regret later), but it's been fun to catch up on all of your funny lives and beautiful families. Tomorrow- back to school.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Best Buds

Coleson's best buddy, Isaac, came over for a sleep over tonight.  These boys met in kindergarten and have been great friends ever since.  Funny side story- the first time I talked to Isaac's mom was actually not to set up a play date, but to apologize for Coleson cutting Isaac's shirt.  The boys had gotten a little carried away with their art supplies and one thing led to another.  At the time I was pretty upset with him for doing it, but now I realize it was a pretty silly thing.  Obviously it didn't hurt their relationship because they've been such good friends ever since.  Even with Coleson being home schooled this year, they still go out of their way to invite Coleson over and we do the same with Isaac.  He's a good kid and they always behave nicely together.  I feel grateful that he has such a good friend.

Friday, November 4, 2011


This is Ethan's spot when I'm vacuuming.  He just rides on the vacuum as I drag him around the house.  He loves it. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm case you were wondering :)

Yes it has been forever since I blogged. I didn't realize that the last post I'd made was the one that I was all overwhelmed and not the most upbeat. Sorry- didn't mean to leave that on there so long. Things are still crazy, but we're surviving.

Also, I've snapped tons of adorable pictures lately with my phone (like usual), but can't figure out how to upload them to my pc. I usually snap photos with my phone then email them to myself to upload with my other gobs of photos. But Yahoo! updated like a month or so ago and ever since I can't get my photos to come in. They appear in Yahoo! as .txt documents. (???) No idea how to fix it. I might have to bite the bullet and go to the cell phone store !?!?! My favorite place to go with 4 kids who think the displays were placed there for their personal enjoyment.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How many can you count?

How many big events can happen in a week before I throw in the towel? Exactly where is my breaking point? I don't know, but I'm completely amazed I haven't reached mine yet. As Jared put it this morning, "Just how many irons can we fit in our fire??"

1-Last Tuesday my dad called with the unexpected news that BOTH of my grandparents had been put in a nursing home. The situation was fishy and we couldn't figure out how it happened (seeing how going to a nursing home was the dead LAST thing grandpa ever wanted and had stated many times). Being the nearest relative to them (besides a long estranged aunt who recently moved into their house- a.k.a.: the fishy part), I turned tail and headed for Muncie. We dropped Coleson off at scout camp (with a sitter at the house with the other 3) and headed out of town. We had NO idea what awaited us. Apparently the "estranged" aunt was legitimate in her motives to come and help them, but the doctor took it out of her hands and decided that they had both at the same time (ironically) gone down-hill so much that they couldn't safely remain at home anymore. And he admitted them to a nursing home. The analogy I came up with was that for so long their 2 halves had made a whole, where grandma was the brains and grandpa was the muscle. But her mind and his body had recently (in the last 6 weeks since I'd been to visit) become so much less than half that they no longer made a whole. Grandma is bad enough that she needs 24 hour care. Probably in the nursing home. Grandpa, although in need of care, isn't bad enough to necessarily need 24 hour care, but definitely frequent and almost complete care. He could probably go home with someone to care for him all the time. BUT he won't leave grandma. Not in a 1,000 years. His doctor was kind enough to see the emotional as well as physical needs, and keep them both there together. They have a little room with both of their beds. They're together at least. Later we can figure out what to do with grandpa, when it's just him left. But that's just the medical side of it (and only a small sliver at that- each appointment and decision is so labor intensive trying to decide what's best for them). The other side of the situation is the financial. And it's a big side. We all must have asked grandma and grandpa a dozen times what their final plans were. Grandpa always got very defensive about it- like that day was never going to come and he didn't need to think about it. So when they're suddenly mentally, emotionally, and legally incapacitated - we had to figure out everything from scratch. I started by searching their house for any documents. And boy there were plenty of those! Old people keep everything. But hidden in the rubble was a Will they had drawn up. It was official and complete- from a lawyer. A complete shock. It stated very plainly that all 3 children had to jointly make each and every decision- Joint Trustees. I will NEVER do that to my children. I understand where they were coming from in doing it, because they didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But for crying out loud!!!! Could this be any more difficult?!?!?! Do you know how hard it is to get 3 people at 3 different points of the country to come together on plans? I do! It's impossible. Everyone has their own ideas and plans (albeit the other two may have their own agendas and plans- not necessarily what's best for G & G). And I'm stuck in the middle trying to work it all out and make sure grandma and grandpa are getting good care. How can a nursing home take 24 hour care of someone and not know what I know when I can only come every few days??? So for the past week and a half (a very long week and a half) I've been driving to Munice. And will continue to for as long as it takes.
2- We have always bounced around the idea of home school. Hunter started out last year in public school at Mintonye, but then at Thanksgiving time I really felt like he needed to stay home with me for a while as we started the process of finding a good medicine for him. In March, he reentered the school scene with a fresh (and AMAZING!) teacher- Mrs. Ayala. She helped him truly succeed and feel good about his academic and social self (along with the help of his medicine and her teacher's aide). But this year, Hunter wouldn't have it so good. One teacher. No aide. More curriculum. All come together to make a bad soup. Of course I don't know this for absolute, but I have a pretty strong feeling. Medicine hasn't completely lulled him and he is still very ADHD. So for him, I was strongly thinking home school for this fall. I found a really neat new public school online program where the curriculum, hours, and program is laid out for us step by step. Yes!! That's exactly what he needs. "This is what we're doing today-period". So it was an easy decision to do this Connections Academy with him. But what about Coleson? Should I just do one boy and send the other to Mintonye? I could. People have mixed educations in the same home. Whatever works for your family. But the longer I thought about Coleson going back to school, the more doubts I had. Coleson during the school year is like a 15 year old girl trapped in an 8 year old body. No joke. He is moody, has a MONSTER attitude, is disrespectful, and does things that I consider "questionable". At the end of last school year, I was pretty sure I couldn't stand him anymore. What was he going to be like by the time he really turned 15??? But this summer, I have really laid down the law. No wiggle room. Schedule to the hilt. It hasn't really been those care free summer days that lag on with no rhyme or reason. And his attitude has improved drastically. But what happens when he gets together with his buds for a before school activity? The monster returns!! It's like they feed off of each other. A lot of other moms I talk to say that their kids are the same way- disrespectful, won't listen (I actually thought Coleson's ears didn't work and took him to have them tested- unfortunately they DO work), and just nasty. Poor school teachers. You know, they just don't have the time or power anymore to extract excellent behavior. And I don't get to see him enough in the day to enforce or encourage good behavior as much as he needs. So, finally I decided (just yesterday actually). I don't want to let this problem get worse over the next year or several years and then look back wishing I'd done something to nip it in the bud. I'm taking action now. So Coleson will do the online public school for 3rd grade for behavioral reasons. He gets to be part of a classroom and all. And Hunter will do it for 1st grade for academic reasons. I just don't know how I'm going to do it. Lots of prayer.
3- I need to find a way to earn extra money from home. I just have to. Something has to give. My sister-in-law, Tracy, makes bread from home. "I can do that", I thought. And so I'm going to. I already make bread all the time anyway. And I do it with the kids. And during the day. And it doesn't effect anyone. So, I can just bake more. I decided to call it "BETTER TOGETHER" with a tag line- "homemade breads and jams by Sarah". People are always raving about my jam, so why not put it with the bread and make a little dough? I started out by asking the principal at Mintonye if I could bring cinnamon rolls to the teachers lounge on Friday mornings. He agreed, but then said, "Actually, I need a breakfast catered for our teachers breakfast next Monday- do you want to do that?" How could I pass up that opportunity? So now I'm doing that and I'll keep looking for other catering opportunities on the side as well. A big job or two a month would be fabulous.
4- Jared's shop (Four Guns) found out they had to/mutually wanted to move this week. He found a location just across the street from where he's at now with a much nicer land lord. And they start renovating Monday. This is big for the shop. The new location is bigger and has way more parking spaces (the current location only has 3 spaces). And his computer system crashed this week. So he bought and installed a new POS system. All very eventful.
5- Looks like Becca's going to get remarried. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6- Oh, Jared was asking me this question as we were preparing a huge lunch for a stake primary mother/ daughter activity that I was asked to prepare lunch for. So we spent all last night and a mad rush this morning making little club sandwich kabobs and fruit kabobs. In the end, we had just the right amount of food and it looked beautiful. But not without a little stress.
7- I'm tired. I've gone to Muncie 3 times in the past week.
8- And I'm still the Primary president. That's huge in and of itself. There's always a list as long as my arm of things I need to do or prep for. I still love it. Don't get me wrong. But it does take time. Which is apparently something I'm running short of.

All of these things added together (all going on at the same stink'n time) has me wondering- "How much can I handle?" I know it's only prayer and faith that I can do what I do so far.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh no!!

It's a sad day in our house...Ethan can open doors now. Dum da dum da duuuum. I know, condolences are accepted.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Scripture Reading

This completely melted my heart. I love love love it when they get along. And when Coleson voluntarily took Hunter's finger to help him keep his place and helped him with sounding out his words- I almost became a puddle on the floor. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday Fun Day- at the movies

This week for Friday Fun Day (thanks Gigi for the awesome idea!) I took the kids to the summer time dollar movie at the theater (by myself with 4 kids). Katelyn (and obviously Ethan) had never been to the movies before and were pretty enthralled by the whole idea. I even sprung for popcorn (and made them all share). And can you believe we even made it out of there without a single incident??? Unless you count Ethan pushing his stroller, which started rolling down the ramp during the movie and I had to jump up and catch it? But that was no biggie compared to what I was afraid of. It was a super fun way to beat the 100 degree heat this week!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ethan faces

A silly baby totally hamming it up for the camera. Cute!

This is the cheeeesy face he does to make me laugh or when he wants something. It like he's thinking to himself, "Oh they totally eat it up when I smile like this!" And we do!!

Daddy Projects

One of the perks of having a dad who does construction is early introduction to power tools. Here are the boys learning the basics at a young age. The ones of Ethan at the bottom from this weekend are almost IDENTICAL to the ones I have of Jared and Coleson at that age doing kitchen cabinets. But, alas, that was in the days before the wonder of digital cameras, which is a total bummer because I had this wonderful idea of showing the same pose across 8 years of babies. (But the picture is in the 2003 photo album, boys, if you're really wanting to see it.)

Coleson & Hunter in daddy's shop at their own workbench.

This is Hunter at just about 2 years old.

Just like daddy!!

Ethan helping daddy with those stubborn screws when we took apart and reassembled the boys' bunk beds this weekend. He was really into this project.

And last, but certainly not least, is this cute clip of Coleson working in the shop. He was about 4 years old in this video. He's always been pretty good with a hammer.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New room!

Yes that's my unmade bed down the hallway :)

Hunter is so excited to be on the top bunk- can you tell?

4 of the cutest kids I've ever seen!!!!

It's time for another Harrington Family Project. Over the weekend we decided to move Coleson and Hunter into the same room. Not since we moved to this house have they shared the same room. But, in an effort for them to get along better, we decided to move them back in together. It's either going to work great or crash and burn, right? So far things seem to be going much better (but I didn't say that out loud- knock on wood). We were surprised they were even excited about the idea. I sure hope it lasts.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New glasses

So I've been having these terrible and really relentless headaches. Finally, Jared was like, "would you just go get your eyes checked woman!!" I wouldn't usually stand for the derogatory "woman" remark, but I knew I was wrong. I just hate spending money on things like that. I wasn't convinced they would find anything and then the whole thing would be a big waste of money. But, desperate for relief of the headaches, I went to the eye doctor. "You've needed glasses for a while" he says. Oh. My bad. So my new glasses arrived today. I was AMAZED just how crisp and clean everything was when I put them on. I really had no idea my eyes were that blurry. The doctor even joked with me when he was doing the machine thingy where he says "this one or this one" then moves the lenses and asks the same question. I don't know what that's called. But at the end, he flipped it to a set of lenses and I was like "Oh not that one, it's so blurry!" And he said "Uhh...that's your regular eyes". "Oh!!"

What do you think? I think I look a like a more sophisticated version of myself. But they are a little pesky. I keep wanting to take them off or slide them up on the top of my head like I do my sunglasses. And oh my sunglasses!! What will I do with them??? My sunglasses are like my best friend. I pretty much wear them all day long, all summer long. Slide them up when not in use, back down when needed. I HATE squinting. Where do my glasses go now?
Anyway, these will take some getting used to.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday pics

We call this a daddy pile. The kids were the squished ones, though. You can't see faces, but that's (from left to right): Coleson's legs, Hunter's legs, and Katie's legs). Ethan was the cherry on top! Aren't daddy's fun?!

And here's one of Ethan & daddy from the other day too. They were just chilln' and Ethan wanted to share the same spot on the pillow as daddy.
A few new words for Ethan from over the weekend:
Tan uuuuu (thank you)
Sou (Sorry)
Uh high (for high-fives)
Do oh (down low)
Do soo (too slow!)