Monday, November 14, 2011

Visitor for the day

I'm visiting blogger land today. Oh how I've missed seeing everyone's hysterical takes on the their lives. I've been sitting here for a whole hour looking over everyone's posts for the past month or so. I've been out of the blogger loop since starting school. I just haven't had ANY time for it in between lessons and lessons and lessons and then normal mom stuff. But yesterday Hunter was complaining about how he didn't feel too great (I thought it was just a ploy to to get to his iPad time sooner after church) but then mid-sentence he started vomiting. So I guess he didn't really feel too good, after-all. Then he did it again later. And after you clean up a certain amount of vomit, your own stomach starts to toss and turn too- not sure if you're going to be next. So we just took it easy today. We're taking our first day off so far this school year. MUCH needed. I haven't done anything too productive (which I know I'll regret later), but it's been fun to catch up on all of your funny lives and beautiful families. Tomorrow- back to school.

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