Friday, November 11, 2011

Best Buds

Coleson's best buddy, Isaac, came over for a sleep over tonight.  These boys met in kindergarten and have been great friends ever since.  Funny side story- the first time I talked to Isaac's mom was actually not to set up a play date, but to apologize for Coleson cutting Isaac's shirt.  The boys had gotten a little carried away with their art supplies and one thing led to another.  At the time I was pretty upset with him for doing it, but now I realize it was a pretty silly thing.  Obviously it didn't hurt their relationship because they've been such good friends ever since.  Even with Coleson being home schooled this year, they still go out of their way to invite Coleson over and we do the same with Isaac.  He's a good kid and they always behave nicely together.  I feel grateful that he has such a good friend.

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