Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tick tock

I am a procrastinator. I always have been. I hate it. I will not always be one. If something is coming up, I think about it frequently, knowing that I've got plenty of time to prepare what needs done, but waiting until just before the deadline to do it. Why?? It drives me crazy. Example- Coleson brought home a scholastic book order form 2 weeks ago. I promptly (and proudly) took the time to sit down with him right then and decided on what we wanted. BUT I didn't fill out the form and write a check. Instead I put it back on his school pile on the island. Then I looked at it and thought about it everyday for the 2 weeks. Then, the day it's due, we are in our morning rush when I go "Ahh, I have to fill out that form and write a check this morning!" Why did I do that?!?!

Also, I can't be on time anywhere. True I have 4 stragglers that help with my tardiness, but still. And even on the rare occasion that I don't have all 4 in tow, I think "well I don't have the kids to get ready so I can clean this and this or do such and such, then get ready, and I'll still be on time". Then I'm late. So it's not so much the kids- it's me. (As a side note, I will say, that I'm never late because I'm just sitting around relaxing- it's always housework). I feel like I'm always racing against my old nemesis- the clock!

To compound the problem, I married a procrastinator. What a pair! The unfortunate thing about the two of us working together at this problem is that he doesn't- he's just fine with it. So my concerted efforts to be on time, or on task promptly, are often thwarted. It's like dragging along 5 spades in a plow, plunged deep in the ground. It often leads to frustration and the all-to-frequent yelling. I'm still working on it. I will not always be late everywhere I go. I will not always put everything off till the last minute. I will change. Recognition is the first step to recovery. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny to me...b/c it is the story of my life!!! I actually have a Scholastic order on my kitchen counter that is due tomorrow, and yet I filled it out a week ago, I just haven't written out the check yet. How funny!! Maybe procrastination was just born in us! :) Keep writting, I'm loving the blog.
