Saturday, September 4, 2010

Third times a charm

This is my online journal, so I record things about me. So, just to warn you, this post contains graphic material.
I have mastitis- AGAIN! It sucks!! Third time in five months. And this is by far the worst. The first time I woke up in the middle of the night with stabbing horrible pains and a huge breast- that would otherwise have been my dream come true- except first, they were uneven, and second, OUCH!!!! And then I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. Silly doctor didn't even look to see that the medicine he prescribed was in the same family as the ones I'm allergic too. The on-call doctor who changed the meds was like "oh you never should have had this medicine". Oh thanks, doc. Second time, I caught it quick and got medicine in me before it got bad. Awesome. This time, I just got hit with all these flu-like symptoms (which I had the first time), but no breast pain. So I thought I just had the flu. Then like a day into it, my breast almost exploded!! In like a matter of a couple hours it started hurting, then turning that familiar red splotchy, then swelling. And swelling, and swelling. Now I've got a huge like D on one side and a little A on the other.
Solution- sorry Ethan, you're getting weaned. Poor baby, he LOVES to nurse. So I'm crossing my fingers that this is the last time.


  1. Ooooh, NO FUN!!! I'm soooo sorry!!! That is just misery. Hope you get better super quick!

  2. You poooor thing! You are having the worst luck with this! We were thinking of you today in primary. (NOT we as in the entire primary. Telling the kids that would be weird. :) But Debra, Gigi and I. :)

    I hope you can recover quickly!

  3. Ugh. You still looked uncomfortable on Sunday. I hope it goes away soon!
