Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Family pictures 2011


Usually I spend days planning for our family pictures- from coordinating clothes and hairstyles to poses and location of the shoot. I put a lot of thought into it. But this year, not much of that. I texted Katelyn to see if she'd meet us at the park after work one day and just got everyone dressed in something nice and we went and did it. There's a park down the block from Jared's shop and the only idea I'd had was that it'd be fun to get a shot of us all coming down the curly slide in order from Ethan to Jared (which turned out cute but now I can't find on my computer). That's it. Our clothes didn't match (I'd already decided to just make it sepia and forget the color issue altogether) and Jared was even wearing a work shirt with a big ol' GLOCK insignia on it. But there was no whining or crying from anyone (especially Jared :) because they were trying to deal with mom's preconceived notions about how the event would go. I didn't spend days planning what each person would wear only to have someone spill down the only shirt that matches and then having to try and hide the spill behind someone else (not that that's happened before). It was just a lot less stressful. And dang cheap. I almost always end up heading out to the store for one shirt or sweater to complete everyone's ensembles. But not this year. And Katelyn did it for free and printing at Meijer cost me $24- for 8x10s and wallets and all of it! Nice.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wedding dress

Andy finally proposed to Katelyn last month.  Today we went with Katelyn to make a final decision on her dress (she's been eyeing this one for months so it wasn't too hard).  At the end, she let Katie slip it on.  Oh was that a happy girl!!!

Katie spent the next couple weeks pretending to be a bride.  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had Thanksgiving with Kevin and Charlotte and Janel and Jordan at their new house this year.  Jared's parents flew in for a few days too (they moved to Arizona this past May and so it was nice to see them again).  The cousins played nicely for hours as usual and we chatted at the kitchen table until we went for round 2.  It was a nice day.  As usual the boys honed in on the strawberry rhubarb pie I'd made.   Snapped a picture of Schuyler and Emma eating their pie too.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Where's Ethan?

I went in Katie's room today looking for Ethan and found him like this.  On her baby doll's changing table with a blanket and a book. I ran for my camera.  I love impromptu pictures.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Visitor for the day

I'm visiting blogger land today. Oh how I've missed seeing everyone's hysterical takes on the their lives. I've been sitting here for a whole hour looking over everyone's posts for the past month or so. I've been out of the blogger loop since starting school. I just haven't had ANY time for it in between lessons and lessons and lessons and then normal mom stuff. But yesterday Hunter was complaining about how he didn't feel too great (I thought it was just a ploy to to get to his iPad time sooner after church) but then mid-sentence he started vomiting. So I guess he didn't really feel too good, after-all. Then he did it again later. And after you clean up a certain amount of vomit, your own stomach starts to toss and turn too- not sure if you're going to be next. So we just took it easy today. We're taking our first day off so far this school year. MUCH needed. I haven't done anything too productive (which I know I'll regret later), but it's been fun to catch up on all of your funny lives and beautiful families. Tomorrow- back to school.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Best Buds

Coleson's best buddy, Isaac, came over for a sleep over tonight.  These boys met in kindergarten and have been great friends ever since.  Funny side story- the first time I talked to Isaac's mom was actually not to set up a play date, but to apologize for Coleson cutting Isaac's shirt.  The boys had gotten a little carried away with their art supplies and one thing led to another.  At the time I was pretty upset with him for doing it, but now I realize it was a pretty silly thing.  Obviously it didn't hurt their relationship because they've been such good friends ever since.  Even with Coleson being home schooled this year, they still go out of their way to invite Coleson over and we do the same with Isaac.  He's a good kid and they always behave nicely together.  I feel grateful that he has such a good friend.

Friday, November 4, 2011


This is Ethan's spot when I'm vacuuming.  He just rides on the vacuum as I drag him around the house.  He loves it.