Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

Kevin and Charlotte took care of planning a barbecue get together with the Jensen's at our house on Father's Day. Thank goodness they did because I was completely exhausted from the week at church. We all had a really great time together (of course- we always do). Vaughn is getting so big. This picture of him in the kitchen sink is to die for!! Katie was again in 7th heaven to have so many girls to play with (Janel's 3- Emma (though she is older) Eliza and Hannah & Charlotte's Elena) (and here's a picture of their bath time fun- from the neck up). Oh girls!! The boys pretty much disappeared the second the cousins arrived. And we didn't hear from them again until Tuesday :) (Just kidding- but seriously they love hanging out together). We did s'mores over the fire pit at the end of the cook out and then took marshmallow covered children directly to the tub.
(Elena was totally hamming it up and Ethan thought this was the greatest bath EVER!)

Kevin and Charlotte left at their customary 1am (I did mention how much fun we have hanging out together!) and the Jensen's spent the night. Then they left Monday and left Konrad and Schuyler with us for another night. The boys all got along soooo well- I was actually surprised how well. I can't believe how big they all are. I guess I knew it comes with age, but it really shows when 4 boys can play together for 3 days straight and have no major melt downs.

Somehow, the boys got Jared into a bow and arrow discussion at dinner. So then Jared had to get out his cross bow. Their eyes seriously could've popped out of their heads! Lol!! I should've snapped a picture. Next, was the blow gun. I know it sounds scary, but they played by the rules and no one got hurt. Always a good thing. I'm sure their parents will NEVER let them come to our house again. The boys were very organized about it and took turns, everyone had a dart color, and they would all go up and investigate each others targets. There was a scoring system and all. I think Schuyler would've spent the whole night on it if we'd let him. So I had to find a way to twist all of this weaponry talk into a family home evening lesson. Light bulb!- Enos. So Jared used his bow and played the part and they had to guess who he was and recount the story. Then we made rice krispie treat trees to represent the forest Enos went to pray in. The kids were pretty happy with that. To round it all out, we watched the new Tron movie that the boys are in love with. They ate popcorn and slept downstairs together. (Coleson & Konrad were found in their usual spots-right next to each other; I don't think they even realize when they cuddle- that wouldn't be very manly, indeed :)

Tuesday, we met Charlotte in Crawfordsville at McDonald's to eat some lunch and return the boys. It was a really fun few days. I'm totally up to be doing it again several times this summer.
Here's Ethan and Vaughn on their lunch date :)