Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The 4 B's

Apparently Jared and I like to canoodle in January because we've had 3 of our 4 babies in October- within a week of each other. "Oh that's cute," you say. But keep in mind, that means 3 birthdays within a week. And this year was full of big ones and a baptism- thus the 4 Bs (idea borrowed from a sis-in-law).

Coleson turned the BIG 8 on October 6th. We are so proud of him. He is growing up to be such a wonderful young man and such a great example to his brothers and sister. He is gentle, kind, considerate, creative, and just plain fun too. He is doing wonderful in school and loves making new friends. But, as I expressed to him at his baptism, he will always be my baby. It seems like just a few days ago that it was just Coleson and me. We spent our days playing together and sitting in his comfy spot reading books. Where did that time go? Why didn't I do more of it all? It's going so quickly. And now my baby is 8 years old. I tend to get sentimental about these things. But seriously, his time with us is almost half gone. Ok, ok I'll pull it together. So Coleson's baptism was on October 16. It was a beautiful baptism. I have to admit that, although I've helped with several other baptisms, planning our own was nerve-racking. I was so worried that some glitch would come up. I ran around the morning getting children ready and preparing food for the lunch afterwards. As we rushed out of the house and off to the church building I looked at Jared guilt ridden for the raised voices and tears to get us out the door. I told him that I was done. It didn't matter anymore if food wasn't ready right on time, or if someone had to wait unexpectedly, or if I misspoke during my talk (all this coming from me who stresses over everything and wants everything perfect- especially for such a HUGE day). But I told him I was finished stressing for the day. Coleson wouldn't care or remember any of the other details, but if I was wound so tight and caused him to stress- that would cause him stress and that he would remember. Somehow I was able to follow through and let go. The day went beautifully. The baptism went smoothly. That included me giving a talk and Coleson and I doing a special musical number together. All went beautifully. I was so grateful. (As a side note: Coleson handled the one snafoo like a champ- I forgot to pack a clean dry pair of underwear to change into- so he laughed and went commando. Thanks for being easy going dude).

Katelyn turned 3 on October 10th. She had a beautiful princess party. Special thanks to cousin Elena for letting us borrow a few of her dress up gowns. The girls came ready to primp and dress up. We painted nails, did their hair, each girl got to pick a dress up gown and we took their pictures. Then we played princess games, made magic wand and crowns, drank pink princess juice and had princessy snacks- served by butler daddy :) It was just a perfect beautiful party and all the girls had a wonderful time. Especially our little princess.

And then there was Ethan. He turned the big 1 this year. My little baby- 1. Can you believe it? Now he's toddling around the house, chatting up a storm, and he just won't stop growing. He had a ball shoveling into his own little cupcake on his tray. What a cutie! 1 of the 4 cutest kids ever!!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone is sooo cute!! It's good to see them (and a little piece of you!). I felt terrible on Jethro's baptism day too. Brett and I got in a big argument beforehand, and my attitude was totally wrong through the entire thing. Basically I let it ruin what should have been one of the best afternoons ever for me. Shame on me. I feel guilty now-- so I'll learn from it, and never be so dumb again. (Knock on wood.)
