Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sacrament Meeting Program

Today was the yearly Sacrament Meeting Program at church. It's a time that every adult looks forward to each fall. It is such a joy to see all of the sweet children up there on the stand, belting out the songs they've practices OVER and OVER and OVER again (sometimes I actually feel bad for them, as I think to myself in primary, "Do we have to sing that AGAIN?"). And the little cuties all line up to recite into the microphone the little script line they have been rehearsing at home for weeks. There is always one adorable child that more or less screams into the microphone bringing on chuckles from the understanding audience.
So, like I said, today was the big day. Coleson was prepped and ready. No freeze-ups this year, like last. He had that line MEMORIZED. Bring it on! Hunter, well, he was flat refusing to even stand up- much less say his line. With MUCH, MUCH coaxing and proding (alright, I just about drug him up there) he was able to make it to the microphone. He said his part- whew! Stress over? No! With nothing else to occupy himself with, he took to disassembling the choir chairs that are bolted to the floor and to each other. I was trying to lovingly lean over to him and convince him to stop doing it (as I didn't really want the congregation to see me bop him on the back of the head). But he was practicing his octopus impression (all hands) and I couldn't stop him. I was reassembling them as quickly as he disassembled them. When the program was FINALLY over, I was exhausted!! I returned to Jared, who simply sat smiling at my struggle from the audience seats, and frankly handed him a pile of screws and bolts that needed to find their homes. He chuckled, knowing there had been something going on up there, just not knowing what. Leave it to Hunter!

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