Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Christmas Dinner that wasn't

Our family was sharing a particularly nasty stomach flu at Christmas time.  The children were praying for Jared and Owen that they would feel better by Christmas (so it wouldn't interfere with presents).  And I was praying that I wouldn't get sick until after all my Christmas work was done.  Since that wasn't finished until about 2 am on Christmas morning, I was blessed to not get sick until late Christmas morning (after presents).  The kids and I both got what we had been asking for :)
Since I was sick on Christmas Day, we decided to hold off on making our big Christmas dinner.  We figured we'd get to it in a couple days.  But then Owen got sick again. So we waited a few more days. Then Coleson and Ethan got sick.  So we waited a few more days.  Then Jared got sick all over again.  So we waited some more.  THEN I got sick again this past Sunday!! &%$@#  This stomach bug is the pits!! We've been rotating this for all of Christmas break. We can't seem to shake it. Anyway, yesterday afternoon I was feeling better, so I called Jared to see how he was feeling and if he was up to our belated belated belated Christmas dinner. He was. So I threw it all together.  Fortunately it wasn't too hard because we'd made a few dishes already when we thought we'd felt up to eating it, but turned out we didn't.  So those were waiting in the freezer.  I made up some rolls and put the ham in the oven.  Voila!
We finally sat down to our very belated Christmas dinner. I didn't feel like making it fancy like usual with our pretty Christmas plates and table ware. But everything was yummy.  Jared asked me if it was worth the wait.  I don't know, by then it was just kind of like, "let's just eat this food so we can get it out of the fridge".  Not the usually mouth-watering anticipation.
While we were chatting and eating, Owen started to choke.  Fortunately he could breath enough to cough, it was just a matter of him working out whatever had gone down the wrong pipe.  I pulled him out of his high chair to comfort him because he was scared.  And then what happened??  He threw up all over me.  Nice.  I really didn't mind too much.  I knew it wasn't because he was sick (that's gross) or gagging himself (that's aggravating).  It was because he really needed it out.  I just looked at Jared and said, "we were destined to have someone throw up at this meal. It just HAD to happen".  A nice Christmas dinner just wasn't meant to be for us this year.  Oh well. What can you do? We'll try again next year.

1 comment:

  1. Eeuuuck!! So sorry, that is really not cool. Hope you guys get COMPLETELY better right away and nothing comes back!
