Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day

Katie & I making cupcakes for her preschool class.

So for Valentine's Day this year Katie and I decided to surprise the boys.  We went to the dollar store and picked up some cheapo decorations.  Then, while the boys were at scouts Wednesday night, we decorated the kitchen and dining room for our girls night (and Ethan).  Every Wednesday is girls night since Hunter turned 8 and is going to scouts now.  We get Ethan and Owen in bed by 7 and spend the evening doing girly things.  One of our favorite activities is putting together princess puzzles.  Katie is really good at puzzles.  Anyway, I digress.  So, Wednesday night we decorated the kitchen.  We let Ethan help because he was just so excited about the whole decorating idea and he had been with us at the dollar store.  It turned out very Valentine's-y.   We put hearts on each person's chair with a love note from one of the 3 of us.  And when the boys came home from scouts I wouldn't let them in the kitchen.  When everyone got up Thursday morning, they came in to see the surprise- plus I had also gotten up early to make a fun breakfast.  We had blueberry pancakes with blueberry syrup and apple pancakes with apple cider glaze and bacon and eggs.  Our family LOVES breakfast and it was a fun way to surprise everyone.  Katie had wanted to help with the breakfast, but her bed had some magnetic pull on her that morning and no matter how many times I went to try and pull her out of bed, she was stuck.  Until the bacon hit the pan.  That's when everyone started following their noses to the kitchen :)  I had also put a little gift for each person on their plates.  The boys got a box of chocolates and Katie got a little chocolate and a heart necklace.  It was a fun Valentine's morning.  

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