Monday, May 30, 2011

The man I love

Every few months we go to Muncie to visit my very elderly grandparents. I have traveled the path between their house and mine so many times over my lifetime that I literally know every curve and bump in the road. My parents were always diligent about making sure we visited often. While I was a child, both sets of my grandparents lived there in Muncie. I have to say that, while I hold many fond memories of Muncie due to the loved ones who live there and the time we spent together there, aside from that, Muncie is really not that great of a place (except for this one AWESOME movie theater with reclining seats!). So the frequent trips there have offered little other reward (like great shopping or restaurants or parks).

Anyway, my one remaining set of grandparents, live in Muncie still. Jared has always been incredible at reminding me to call them regularly and even volunteering to take the inconvenient trips over there to visit. But he doesn't just stop there. Now before I go further, you have to understand this about Jared- he has a short string of patience- especially for the elderly. But somehow he has always had great patience for my grandparents. Perhaps it's because both sets of my grandparents have treated him more like a grandson than his own ever did. But the man has loyalty there (and therefore- great patience). In the same token that it melts your heart and grows your love when you see your spouse take great care and gentleness with your children, it melts my heart to see this man I love help my grandmother in and out of the car (nearly lifting her rather). And he does it while offering to do more. And he does it with a smile. And he is gentle. Each and EVERY visit goes exactly the same way. My grandmother is nearly deaf and therefore can't really hold any sort of conversation. And she is somewhat obsessed (to put it lightly) about the collections that run rampant through her home. We are happy to agree to the consistent invitations to go to lunch somewhere- and therefore get our little people's 40 little fingers away from her breakables. But it's not just somewhere- it's a quaint little ma & pop joint serving "old people" fare. And even knowing all of this, Jared reminds me to call and asks if it's time for us to go to Muncie again. I love this man.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My protector

So Hunter and I were driving to see a friend the other day and were driving the hideous big green van. It hadn't been driven in a while, so Jared had jumped started it and warned me not to turn it off or he'd have to come jump it again. Since I was going into town, he would also bring a grumpy attitude if I made him do that. Note to self. So I was explaining the situation to Hunter and asked him to help me remember to NOT turn off the car. Such a reflex thing to do when you park. Then Hunter was asking if dad would be mad at me. I explained that he wouldn't really be mad at me, just really annoyed. He said it was ok if I accidentally forgot, because he'd tell dad that he was the one who did it so dad would be mad at him instead of me. I just about melted right there in my seat! I told him I wouldn't let him do that because it wasn't the truth, but thanks for trying to help me. Hunter is always looking for ways to protect me- from the inevitable and always looming "bad guy". What a sweet sweet boy.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Katie's new bike

I scored this bike last weekend at a garage sale for $6!! It was on my list of things to find this summer. Katie is in love. She finally has her own big girl bike (and it's not a hand-me-down boy color!) She can ride it actually quite well. Now she wants to go to town all the time to ride on sidewalks :) Downside to having a country gravel lane.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Jared's birthday was last week. I made his favorite meal as usual- reubens and tater tots with strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert. It was yummy.
(I know you're wishing we'd saved you a piece).

For his birthday Jared got the deep fryer he's been wanting for a LONG time.