Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last gift of Christmas

Remember how I'd said that we asked the Haseks to save a special little puppy for us till Christmas? At the end of gift opening, daddy brought in that last present. A puppy! Oh, was Katie excited.The little puppy she'd loved, was now all her own.  She was in heaven.

I think Jared likes the new puppy much more than he's willing to let on.  What do you think? We let the kids name our new family member during breakfast Christmas day.  Coleson is in a major Star Wars phase and he suggested Leia (as in Princess Leia).  All the kids unanimously agreed. I'm hoping that our wonderful Molly dog will help train our new puppy to be a wonderful dog like she is before she passes on.  This is going to be so fun!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Big boy haircut

Ethan got a real big boy haircut today.  He did a better job than Hunter does.  He sat still and didn't even cry.  I was so proud.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Craft time

I made this cute little ribbon Christmas tree today.  It was so fun and so easy.  Katie enjoyed helping me too. I think I'll make a few more.  The blue and silver matched the decor upstairs.  I could make some green and red ones for downstairs.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The Haseks' dogs had puppies a few weeks ago.  We were over visiting on Sunday and Katie fell in love with them.  They are so cute and adorable.  She especially bonded with this little black puppy.  The puppy let Katie carry her around all night in every different position and love all over her and the puppy never got tired of it.  Katie carried her around like a baby and still the puppy stayed with her.  She talked about it non stop for the next week.  In the meantime, I made a call to Sonia (who was trying to find homes for all the puppies) and asked her to keep that puppy set aside for us until Christmas.  ;)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Putting up the tree

We had a blast putting up the Christmas tree today.  The boys were so helpful.  Jared let the boys organize, sort, and put together the limbs of the Christmas tree.  It was neat to see them work together.  We snapped this picture of all the kids standing on the piano bench as they were trying to reach the top of the tree.
I love Christmas tree decorating.  I love pulling out all of our beautiful ornaments.  They have such sentimental value to me.  We buy or make an ornament every year for each child.  So there are memories attached to each one.  I dispense them to the children in order of fragility.  Coleson hangs the fragile ones on the top of the tree where they'll be safe and Katie and Ethan hang the fabric and wooden ornaments that don't break at the bottom of the tree.
Everyone working together to make a beautiful tree.